Start the New Year Focused on Your Health

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!

This is the time of year that most people take stock of their health habits and decide how they want to approach the new year.  At Freeman Endocrinology, we are very aware of this because we are focused on our patients’ overall health and as we partner with them on their health journey,

Be Proactive – the Best Approach to Manage Your Health

There are many benefits from adhering to a schedule of regular check-ups.  You can be alerted to a developing illness early and – working with your doctor – might be able to take action to stop it in its tracks.  If your family history suggests that you might be at risk for certain medical conditions,

Alcohol and Diabetes – Can You Have a Glass of Wine with Dinner?

(A guest post from Peggy Schiavo Spinozzi, Nutritionist)

This is a frequently asked question with a 1 hour answer but basically we know that alcohol can cause low blood sugars because the liver is preoccupied detoxifying the alcohol in the beverage and does not release normal glucose into the blood. Higher proof drinks like whiskey and vodka present more risk while lower alcohol content drinks such as wine and light beer are less risky.

Five Reasons to See an Endocrinologist About Your Diabetes

As a preferred endocrinologist in Philadelphia, we treat a wide variety of patients and ailments – but probably the most common condition we treat is diabetes.  Diabetes is, at its heart, an endocrine problem and  the term “diabetes” refers to a group a diseases that result in too much glucose or sugar being in the blood.  

An Overview of Diabetes

Diabetes is increasing in frequency in the population.  As a result, it’s important that you become proactive in understanding the condition and recognizing the symptoms. By learning more, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the challenges associated with diabetes. In this latest post, our Freeman Endocrinology team will provide a full overview on diabetes,